Our investment has yielded results we could not imagined before starting. It has payed off in higher productivity, less attrition and turnover of staff, a better equipped workforce to handle the stress and demands of today’s working environment, and employees that feel fulfilled in their lives. The value received has far exceeded the value invested.
— Lisa Maxwell, Executive Director at BPAA
They are compassionate, kind, but also honest and provided me with feedback to help me grow as a leader. Their successful work experiences have not only made them into respected leaders but exceptional coaches.
— Sherry Bees, Principal at Maplewood Elementary School

Lead Coach and Mentor

Sharon Airaghi

Sharon airaghi, lead and coach and mentor at manage2lead

Sharon has over three decades of experience in leadership positions and is certified by the Disney Institute in Customer Service. As valuable as that experience is, it's her superior ability to listen and her approachability that naturally inspires trust. As importantly, she has the strength to be honest and provide feedback in a compassionate manner that allows leaders to embrace advice and grow.

2015 Speaking Engagements:

  • BPAA Summer Institute in | July in Naples, Florida
  • Broward Schools: New Principal Meetings | Monthly in Broward, Florida

Interested in meeting?